Asset Integrity management

Asset Integrity Management (AIM)

Staying fit for purpose over the whole lifecycle.


The management of physical assets - selection, maintenance, inspection and renewal - plays a key role in determining the operational performance, safety and profitability of your industry.

Deterioration processes such as fatigue cracks and corrosion can always be present to some degree.

The challenge to management is to ensure that the integrity of engineered systems – for instance,  offshore structures, ships, pipelines and process systems – is maintained throughout the anticipated  service life.


The objectives of an Asset Integrity Management (AIM) system are the delivery of business requirements maximizing return on assets whilst maintaining stakeholder value and minimizing business risks associated with accidents and loss of production.

Asset Integrity is the ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst safeguarding life and the environment. The related management activities ensure that the people, systems, processes, and resources which deliver integrity, are in place, in use, and fit for purpose over the whole lifecycle of the asset.

Bureau Veritas has years of experience in overcoming challenges for onshore & offshore facilities, fixed & floating structures, subsea, FPSOs, refineries, gas distribution units, chemical plants & fertilizer units. We provide the following services:

  • Independent verification service (IVS)

    The trend for regulators and multi-national oil companies to move from prescriptive forms of safety regulation to goal-setting approaches is resulting in changes in the way that operators manage their facilities.

    Under these new approaches, the operators themselves now define the  performance standards that facilities must achieve within an overall  legislative framework.

    The approach requires owners/operators (duty holders) to identify Safety Critical Elements (SCE) and Performance Standards (PS). They must then operate and maintain each facility ensuring that the desired standards of performance are achieved throughout its entire lifetime from design to decommissioning.
  • Risk-Based Inspection (RBI): Preventing shutdowns and protecting the environment, providing better plan of inspection base on risk approach.
  • Structural Integrity Management/Verification (SIM): the process identifies which platform components have the greatest risk and hence requests a more focused inspection effort to maintain the platform's integrity throughout its life.
  • Fitness for Services (FFS) / Purpose (FFP) : Fitness-for-service assessments are quantitative engineering evaluations performed to demonstrate the integrity of assets. Bureau Veritas are providing fitness-for-service for full range of assets (pressure vessels, pipelines, offshore-structures, etc.)
  • Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM): Towards responsible and sustainable operation whilst enhancing your pipeline safety and reliability.
  • Offshore platform re-certification and life extension: Keeping existing offshore structures in good repair and securing a second life for ageing offshore structures.

Learn more about our services