PFAS Testing
for US and EU
Consumer Products
Some manufacturers and merchants have employed a class of synthetic chemicals known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to increase the water, stain, and grease resistance of consumer goods. The chemicals PFNA (perfluorononanoic acid, or C9 (9 carbon chain), PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, or C8), and PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid, or C8 (8 carbon chain)) are the more well-known ones. However, the PFAS family is thought to contain approximately 9,000 different chemicals. High concentrations of these compounds have been associated to reproductive, cancerous, and other issues in mammals.
PFAS are well-known for their waterproofing and stain-resistance properties, which are found in a vast array of consumer products including the following but not all:
• Paper and food packaging (pizza cartons, coffee cups, popcorn bags)
• Stain-resistant coatings used on upholstery and fabrics
• Water-resistant clothing (outerwear, sportswear)
• Furniture, outdoor textiles, and associated products
• Cleaning products and spray on fabric treatment
• Cookware
• Rugs and carpets
• Paints, adhesives, varnishes, or sealants
• Electrical Products (cords, microchips)
• Personal care, cosmetics, and hygiene products (oil- and waterproof makeup, lotions) -
Some common PFAS product and marketing claims related to these properties can be found on product packaging or labels including some of the claims below:
• Stain Resistant/ Repellent/ Proof
• Oil Resistant/ Repellent/ Proof
• Water Resistant/ Repellent/ Proof
• Heat Resistant
• Non-Stick Coating
• Long Lasting (Make-up) -
The US EPA and other US states have begun to regulate PFAS in a variety of methods during the past few years.
In the industry, organizations like the American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) and Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management (AFIRM) Group have increased the number of PFAS chemicals they include in their Restricted Substances Lists (RSL), and ASTM International is developing a testing guide for the sector.
The patchwork of state rules on PFAS chemicals present a difficulty for brands and retailers selling consumer goods in the US market. While keeping prices in check, they must monitor changing standards, predict upcoming federal regulations, reformulate products, test new materials, manage supply chains, and improve transparency. Companies must be proactive and carefully coordinate with their supply chain to adjust to stricter PFAS rules due to the challenges of navigating this newly emerging regulatory environment, which is rife with uncertainty.
Stay up-to-date with our Latest PFAS news and updates for US consumer products.
In recent years, the European Union has begun taking steps to control per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) compounds in response to mounting environmental and public health concerns.
Under EU 2019/1021, the EU has tightened regulations on perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and related substances. PFOA and its related compounds are used in non-stick coatings, waterproof fabrics, firefighting foams, and other consumer and commercial products. They have been utilized as polymerization aids to generate fluoropolymers.
The restriction for C9-C14 PFCA, which covers PFNA (C9), PFDA (C10), PFUnA (C11), PFDoA (C12), PFTrA (C13), and PFTe (C14), has been added to REACH Annex XVII by the EU. In addition to PFNA, the EU is considering restrictions on PFHxA and PFHxS in the near future
A few of EU members, such as Germany and Sweden, have been more aggressive in limiting the presence of PFAS in products. For instance, Sweden has outlawed PFAS in paper and board used in the manufacture of cosmetics, firefighting foams, and food packaging. Furthermore, PAS has been outlawed in Germany in a number of product categories, including firefighting foams and food packaging.
Stay up-to-date with our Latest PFAS news and updates for EU consumer products.
BVCPS continues to actively monitor regulatory changes and pertinent activity despite the fact that PFAS laws in the U.S. and EU markets are complicated and frequently changing. We can offer suitable tests to Brands and Retailers to fit their specific needs because we have established specialized testing methodologies for evaluating PFAS in a variety of impacted items. Additionally, we are able to conduct tests for a variety of regulated PFAS compounds to help ensure compliance with both American and European requirements. By completing the form below, you can speak with one of our consultants right now about your compliance issues.