

Jul. 4 2024

Q1. My company is already ISO 45001 certified. How do we implement PSM?

  • ISO 45001: Focuses on occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.
  • PSM: Specifically targets the management of hazards associated with processes involving highly hazardous chemicals, with the aim of preventing accidental releases.

Steps for Implementation:

Step 1: Gap Assessment Audit

  • Conduct a Gap Analysis: Identify the additional requirements of PSM not covered by ISO 45001. This includes areas such as process hazard analysis, operating procedures, and emergency planning.

Step 2: Leadership Commitment

  • Secure Management Support
  • Allocate Resources

Step 3: Training and Competence Development

  • Develop Training Programs
  • Continuous Learning

Step 4: Develop and Integrate PSM Elements

Step 5: Documentation and Procedures

  • Integrate PSM with ISO 45001 Documentation
  • Centralized Documentation System

Step 6: Deployment and Implementation

  • Pilot Programs
  • Full Deployment
  • Monitor Progress

Step 7: Continuous Monitoring and Review

  • Regular Audits
  • Feedback Mechanism
  • Continuous Improvement

Q2. How do I get started implementing PSM in my organization?

1. Secure Management Commitment:

  • Leadership Support: Ensure top management understands the importance of PSM and is committed to its implementation.
  • Resource Allocation: Secure the necessary resources, including budget, personnel, and time.

2. Establish a PSM Implementation Team:

  • Cross-Functional Team
  • Define Roles and Responsibilities

3. Conduct a Gap Assessment Audit:

  • Evaluate Current Safety Systems
  • Identify Gaps

4. Develop an Implementation Plan:

  • Set Objectives
  • Develop a Roadmap

5. Training and Awareness:

  • PSM Training Programs
  • Continuous Education

6. Document and Integrate PSM Elements:

  • Create and Update Procedures
  • Centralized Documentation

7. Implement PSM Elements:

8. Pilot Implementation:

  • Start Small
  • Evaluate and Adjust

9. Full Deployment:

  • Gradual Rollout
  • Monitor and Support

10. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:

  • Regular Audits
  • Feedback Mechanism
  • Continuous Improvement

Q3. How do I know if my organization is implementing effective PSM?

1. Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Define KPIs
  • Monitor KPIs Regularly

2. Compliance Audits and Inspections:

  • Regular Audits
  • Inspection Programs
  • Audit Findings and Corrective Actions

3. Third-Party Audits (OSHA 2024 Mandate)

4. Incident and Near-Miss Investigations:

  • Thorough Investigations
  • Implement Corrective Actions
  • Track Incident Metrics

5. Employee Participation and Feedback:

  • Engage Employees
  • Safety Committees
  • Regular Feedback Sessions

6. Training and Competence:

  • Training Programs
  • Evaluate Training Effectiveness
  • Competency Assessments

7. Management of Change (MOC):

  • Effective MOC Procedures
  • Review MOC Records

8. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA):

  • Regular PHAs
  • Implementation of Recommendations
  • Review and Update PHAs

9. Mechanical Integrity:

  • Maintenance Programs
  • Track Equipment Failures

10. Emergency Planning and Response:

  • Emergency Drills
  • Review and Update Plans

11. Continuous Improvement:

  • Continuous Improvement Programs
  • Benchmarking

12. Safety Culture:

  • Assess Safety Culture
  • Promote a Safety Culture

Q4. How to use the element chapters to design and improve a process safety management system?

1. Employee Participation:

  • Engagement Programs: Establish programs to encourage active employee participation in safety discussions and decision-making processes.
  • Safety Committees: Create safety committees with representatives from different departments to discuss and address safety concerns.
  • Suggestion Systems: Implement suggestion systems where employees can provide ideas for improving safety practices.

2. Process Safety Information (PSI):

  • Comprehensive Documentation: information regarding chemicals, technology, and equipment 
  • Regular Updates
  • Accessibility

3. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA):

  • Conduct Regular PHAs
  • Multidisciplinary Teams
  • Implement Recommendations: Develop action plan

4. Operating Procedures:

  • Develop Clear Procedures
  • Regular Reviews
  • Training

5. Training:

  • Comprehensive Training Programs: including emergency response, equipment operation, and safety procedures.
  • Continuous Learning
  • Competency Assessments

6. Contractors:

  • Contractor Safety Programs
  • Pre-Job Safety Meetings
  • Monitor and Evaluate

7. Pre-startup Safety Review (PSSR):

  • Thorough PSSRs: for new or modified processes.
  • Checklists
  • Documentation

8. Mechanical Integrity:

  • Maintenance Programs
  • Inspection and Testing
  • Repair and Replacement: timely repair or replacement of faulty equipment.

9. Hot Work Permit:

  • Permit System
  • Safety Measures
  • Monitoring

10. Management of Change (MOC):

  • Formal MOC Procedures: manage changes to processes, equipment, or procedures.
  • Risk Assessments
  • Documentation and Approval

11. Incident Investigation:

  • Thorough Investigations
  • Corrective Actions
  • Learning and Sharing

12. Emergency Planning and Response:

  • Develop Response Plans
  • Regular Drills
  • Coordination with Authorities

13. Compliance Audits:

  • Regular Audits
  • Audit Teams
  • Address Findings

14. Trade Secrets:

  • Protect Sensitive Information
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Information Sharing

Q5. What the main challenge for process safety management in factory? and how can we overcome it?

The initial steps in PSM implementation can be particularly challenging. These include securing management commitment, forming a PSM team, and beginning the initial assessments.



Strategies to Overcome


Initial Steps Are the Most Difficult

Early challenges in securing commitment and starting assessments.

Plan thoroughly, seek early wins, showcase quick wins.

Start with a pilot program to demonstrate effectiveness.

Lack of Management Commitment

Ensuring top-level support and resources for PSM.

Demonstrate value, engage leaders, allocate resources.

Present a business case for PSM benefits.

Resistance to Change

Overcoming reluctance to adopt new practices and procedures.

Communicate effectively, involve staff, provide training.

Hold workshops to address concerns about new procedures.

Insufficient Knowledge or Expertise

Lack of specialized PSM knowledge and skills.

Hire experts, invest in training programs, leverage industry resources.

Partner with PSM consultants for initial setup and training.

Integrating PSM with Existing Systems

Aligning PSM with ISO 45001 and sustainability initiatives.

Align objectives, streamline processes, document integration.

Map PSM elements to ISO 45001 processes and create a unified framework.

Maintaining Compliance with Regulations

Keeping up with complex and evolving PSM regulations.

Stay informed, implement compliance tracking, engage legal experts.

Set up a subscription for regulatory updates.

Ensuring Effective Communication

Sharing PSM information and updates across departments and shifts.

Establish communication channels, standardize messaging, feedback mechanisms.

Create a PSM intranet portal for information and updates.

Managing Documentation and Record-Keeping

Organizing and maintaining PSM documentation.

Implement document control systems, standardize procedures, conduct regular audits.

Invest in an electronic document management system.

Conducting Comprehensive Hazard Analysis

Identifying and analyzing hazards effectively.

Use structured methods, form multidisciplinary teams, leverage past data.

Organize HAZOP workshops with cross-functional teams.

Implementing Effective Corrective Actions

Addressing hazards identified during PSM activities.

Prioritize actions, track implementation, review effectiveness.

Develop a corrective action tracking system with deadlines and follow-up.

Fostering a Safety Culture

Building and maintaining a strong safety culture.

Lead by example, promote safety as a core value, recognize and reward safety achievements.

Establish a safety awards program for contributions to process safety.

Leveraging Existing Programs

Integrating PSM with ISO 45001 and sustainability initiatives.

Align objectives, streamline processes, document integration.

Develop a unified framework that aligns PSM with ISO 45001 and sustainability goals.

Q6. What are the differences from PSM and ISO 22000:2018?

Process Safety Management (PSM) and ISO 22000:2018 serve different, though complementary, purposes. PSM focuses on the safety of chemical processes, while ISO 22000:2018 centers on food safety. Implementing PSM in a company certified for ISO 22000 can provide significant benefits, including enhanced safety measures, better incident management, and support for sustainability goals.

Implementing PSM alongside ISO 22000:2018 can lead to a more comprehensive safety and quality management system, benefiting both chemical safety and food safety initiatives.


Process Safety Management (PSM)

ISO 22000:2018


Chemical process safety and risk management.

Food safety management throughout the food supply chain.

Primary Focus

Chemical process safety, hazard management.

Food safety from production to consumption.

Key Components

Hazard Analysis, MOC, Mechanical Integrity, Incident Investigation.

FSMS, HACCP, PRPs, Management Responsibility.

Regulatory Framework

OSHA regulations, industry standards.

International food safety standard.

Auditing and Certification

Compliance monitored through inspections.

Certification through third-party audits.

Benefits of Implementing PSM

Enhanced chemical safety, improved incident management, better risk management, strengthened compliance, enhanced safety culture, support for sustainability, better resource allocation.


Q7. Is PSM same with HACCP? Can we use it for labor safety?

Process Safety Management (PSM)and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) are distinct concepts with different scopes and focuses. PSM deals with chemical process safety, while HACCP is focused on food safety. However, PSM can support labor safety through its comprehensive hazard analysis and safety practices.

In the food industry, PSM provides several benefits:

  • Improved Process Safety: Enhances safety measures for chemical processes.
  • Better Hazard Identification: Applies advanced risk management techniques.
  • Enhanced Emergency Preparedness: Develops robust emergency response plans.
  • Strengthened Compliance: Ensures adherence to chemical safety regulations.
  • Support for Food Safety Initiatives: Manages chemical risks to support food safety.
  • Strengthened Safety Culture: Promotes a strong safety culture.
  • Improved Process Efficiency: Streamlines processes for better efficiency.





Chemical process safety and risk management.

Food safety from production to consumption.

Primary Focus

Preventing chemical accidents and managing process safety.

Ensuring food safety and preventing contamination.

Core Components

Hazard Analysis, MOC, Mechanical Integrity, Incident Investigation.

Hazard Analysis, CCPs, Monitoring, Verification, Record Keeping.

Regulatory Framework

OSHA regulations, industry-specific standards.

Codex Alimentarius standards, local food safety regulations.

Auditing and Certification

Compliance monitored through inspections.

Certification through third-party audits.

Labor Safety

Enhances labor safety through hazard identification and emergency planning.

Directly focuses on food safety rather than labor safety.

Benefits for Food Industry

- Improved Process Safety - Better Hazard Identification - Enhanced Emergency Preparedness - Strengthened Compliance - Support for Food Safety Initiatives - Strengthened Safety Culture - Improved Process Efficiency


Q8. If my company implements a PSM program, will it receive any certifications? If so, who will issue the certification?

1. Overview of PSM Certification



Certification Availability

There is no specific PSM certification like ISO certifications.

Verification Process

Compliance is typically verified through audits, inspections, and assessments.

Certification Bodies

Certifications are not available for PSM itself, but related certifications and third-party audits can be conducted.

2. Types of Certifications and Their Issuers

a. OSHA’s PSM Compliance Verification



Issuing Body

OSHA Compliance Inspection

Ensures adherence to OSHA’s PSM regulations (29 CFR 1910.119).

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Audit Focus<

Checks compliance with specific PSM regulations, but does not issue a formal certification.

OSHA Inspectors

b. Third-Party Audits for Process Safety



Issuing Body

Third-Party Process Safety Audits

Independent audits to assess PSM implementation and effectiveness.

Consulting Firms


- CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) offers PSM-related training and resources.


How to Engage

Contact firms specializing in process safety audits for independent assessments.



Process Safety Management (PSM) can indeed be applied in logistics projects, including those involving Out-of-Gauge (OOG) and Dangerous Goods (DG) cargo. While PSM is traditionally associated with industrial operations and chemical processes, its principles can offer significant benefits in logistics and supply chain management, especially for high-risk activities.

1. Overview of PSM in Logistics



Application of PSM

PSM principles can be adapted to manage risks in logistics and transportation of high-risk cargo.


Includes hazard identification, risk management, emergency preparedness, and safety culture in logistics operations.

2. PSM Practices for OOG and DG Cargo

PSM Element

Application in Logistics Projects

1. Process Safety Information

Document and assess the risks associated with OOG and DG cargo handling.

2. Process Hazard Analysis

Conduct risk assessments for handling, transporting, and storing OOG and DG cargo.

3. Operating Procedures

Develop and implement standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the safe handling and transportation of OOG and DG cargo.

4. Training and Competency

Provide training for personnel on safe handling practices, emergency response, and regulatory requirements.

5. Mechanical Integrity

Ensure equipment used in handling and transporting OOG and DG cargo is maintained and inspected.

6. Management of Change

Implement procedures for managing changes in logistics processes, such as new regulations or equipment.

7. Incident Investigation

Investigate accidents and near-misses to identify root causes and prevent future incidents.

8. Emergency Planning

Develop and test emergency response plans for potential incidents involving OOG and DG cargo.

9. Safety Culture

Promote a safety culture focused on proactive hazard management and continuous improvement.

3. Example of Companies and Organizations Applying PSM in Logistics



DHL Supply Chain

Implements safety measures for handling and transporting hazardous materials.

Kuehne + Nagel

Adopts best practices for managing risks associated with DG cargo.

FedEx Logistics

Applies safety protocols for OOG and DG cargo transportation.